Albany Colony of Mayflower Decendants
Albany Colony
Society of Mayflower Descendants
in the State of New York


(The Facebook group is by invitation,

contact webmaster to be added to group)




    More than one hundred years ago, a group of descendants of the Pilgrims

    Dave Morton_DSCF0220_c10
    Dave Morton
    Colony Governor

who sailed on the Mayflower in 1620, saw the need for a national society to honor their memory. The intention was to remember these Pilgrims who established Plymouth Colony, in what was then called the northern part of Virginia.

    Today there are tens-of-millions of individuals descended from these brave souls. It is the goal of The Mayflower Society to join together people who share this heritage and to carry on the memory of our Pilgrim ancestors.

Albany Colony Members,

If you have not already done so, and if you plan to attend the May 4th Annual Luncheon Meeting,

please complete the RESERVATION FORM and mail with your check to Carol Felsen, Assistant Treasurer.

Reservation due date is 4/22 for 5/4 Annual Meeting.


Dave Morton

Albany Colony Governor


Next Meeting
  Nov 2, 2024

Albany Country Club

     12pm - 3:00pm

Albany Colony Mayflower Chronicles

  Visit our Chronicles page

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NY Mayflower Spring/Summer 2022 Newsletter

NY Mayflower Spring/Summer 2021 Newsletter


NY Mayflower Winter Newsletter 2020





The Pilgrim Story was a 5 part series by PBS in 2009 called:
We Shall Remain: After the Mayflower
 a part of their American Experience series.



Albany Colony History

The NYS Society was the very first Mayflower Society and was created  on 22 Dec 1894 - the General Society was created by NY; CT; MA; and PA combining on 12 Jan. 1897 - the Albany Colony of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, In The State Of New York; was organized and approved by the NYS Society as the  FIRST Mayflower Colony on 20 Dec 1904 - they went out of business during WW11 for lack of members- it was reorganized after the War on 29 May 1952 and set about to furnish the Mayflower room, an early Dutch bedroom at Ft. Crailo. The Colony donated a Dutch chest and table, paintings, quilts and china from personal donations and fund-raising projects. The room was completed in 1962 but since then the Fort has been taken over by the State of New York with the understanding that the Colony gifts would be used in other exhibits.


Chapter's Flag
Our Chapter’s Flag

See the About Us page for more history and activities of our society and chapter.



Our New York State Society -


The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of New York holds the unique distinction of being the first Society of Mayflower Descendents to be established.

Richard Henry Greene founded the Society on December 22, 1894 in New York City as a society for lineal descendants of passengers who came over on the Mayflower in 1620.

The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of New York

Annual Debutante Ball

The University Club, New York City
ll members of the Society of Mayflower Descendants and their friends and family are invited to attend.


Our National Society -

The General Society of Mayflower Descendants


Founded at Plymouth, Massachusetts 1897

The Pilgrim Press May 2021-100,000th Member

The Pilgrim Press May 2021-Virtual Lecture Series

The Pilgrim Press-Special Edition-May 2021

The Pilgrim Press-Virtual Lecture series March 2021

The Pilgrim Press - January 2021

The Pilgrim Press - Special Holiday Edition - Nov 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - Nov 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - October 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Election Edition - Sept 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - Sept 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - Aug 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - July 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - May 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - April 3, 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - March 24, 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - March 18, 2020

The Pilgrim Press - Special Edition - February 15, 2020

Plimouth Plantation

Return of the Mayflower

Pilgrim Progress 2020

Mayflower Society of New York Facebook group

The European Society of Mayflower Descendants

Facebook Group

Mayflower History Website

Soule Kindred in America website

Mayflower House Museum & Library

A Short Stroll from Plymouth Rock


Plymouth Rock - only a small part of the orginal rock

Across the street and around the corner from Plymouth Rock, in the heart of this quaint village’s historic district, is the Mayflower Society House. The grounds host the historic eighteenth century dwelling built by Edward Winslow. Behind this stately mansion are the offices and library of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. The property overlooks a snug harbor where a reproduction of the blessed ship, The Mayflower, is moored. Cole’s Hill, the final resting place of many of the Pilgrims, may also be seen.


Mayflower Society House Museum - entrance is at rear of house

Mayflower Society Library in back of the house museum



Copyright - New York, Albany Colony, Mayflower Society

Designed by Karl Danneil

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Albany Colony of Mayflower Descendants


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